
Cessna Citation XLS+

Cessna Citation XLS+
© Cessna


The Citation XLS+® combines transcontinental range, first-class cabin comfort for up to 12 passengers and remarkable performance efficiency in a beautiful midsize jet. Loaded with features generally reserved for a large, commercial aircraft, the Citation XLS+ will take your business global. Sit back and enjoy the ride.


The bestselling business jet in the world, the Citation® XLS+ is known for its comfor t and low operating costs. With its spacious cabin and high speeds, your whole team can travel in comfor t while arriving closer to the destination, allowing you and your team to spend less time traveling and more time at the job site or with your customer.


Your XLS+ will give you instant, accurate and up-to-date weather information for your flight path via the XM WX Satellite Weather® Data Service. This long-range, comprehensive weather detection system provides sharp situational awareness for both pilots and copilots.

With upgraded software, pilots can view satellite imagery with NEXRAD overlays, see Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) both in graphical and textual formats, view winds aloft and view cloud-to cloud lightning with strikes data refreshed every five minutes. Images and data are available at any altitude and are processed through a receiver supplied on a Head-Up Display (HUD) technologies which are then stored in the file server unit (FSU) for immediate access.